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Of strong and sturdy manufacture with hefty lengths of steel box section and a thick melamine topped board, this working surface is firm, smooth, perfectly flat, and rigid making it an ideal pattern table.

It measures a substantial 1.7m by 2.5m and may be used by any member using the studio so you know you can spread out your fabric in comfort when needing to cut, line out or measure up.

An underslung shelf allows for bolt storage space.

Coming soon



(inc vat) / time

Machine Usage Shared Access
Machine Test £31.00 / 30 mins (all machines)
Machine Training £66.00 / 1 hour


To use our machinery you must complete the relevant training or assessment. Our ‘Get Started Training’ is tailored for experienced makers seeking to elevate their skills, diversify their product range and explore new disciplines or processes. 


If you are already competent you must pass an assessment with one of our technicians. For certain complex CNC machines, additional supported practice is necessary after completing training.

To book your training login and select your course in Make A Booking.

fabric machines

We know that the right machine for the job means your work is simpler, faster, and easier. That’s why we’ve made it our mission to give you the very best.

Access to most machines are included in your workspace booking, but some need to be booked for you to use exclusively.

Safety is sexy, so you’ll need to pass a test on each machine the first time you use it.

Training is available on all machines if you need.